In some schools of practice, the Sageo is tied to the Hakama during martial arts practice sessions There are several ways to wrap and tie the Sageo on the Katana sheath to make the sword aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.

Sageo – This is a cord made of cotton, silk, rayon or leather hanging from the Scabbard.This produces a scabbard that looks superior to the average one sold by manufacturers of Japanese swords.

After this, the scabbard is coated with cashew lacquer. Traditional versions do not use plastic or wood. Higher-end Saya is fitted with water buffalo horn parts. The scabbard is hand carved and sanded to fit the sword blade. This is attached to the braided cord or Sageo. The Katana Scabbard has a wooden knob as well or Kurikata. If the person handling the drawing out the sword from its scabbard is a professional, he can do this quicker than somebody who is a novice. When taking out the sword from the scabbard take it slowly or some fingers might be severed out. Generally, the scabbard is made of lightweight material like wood and coated with lacquer on its exterior. Saya is the term that simply refers to Japanese sword scabbard.